Hope you had a fruitful and enriching learning experience in class with regards to the Olympic Values of
1) Respect
1) Respect

Now lets reflect on what we have learnt..
Go through the following questions and answer them from your own point of view..
1) How does Mr C Kunalan practise the Olympic Values in his life?
2) Do you think you can be like Mr C Kunalan in school? How?
( That is, do you think you can follow the Olympic Values in school?)
3) What are the benefits that will derive from this?
Happy Blogging! And may the spirit of Olympism be with you..
To me winning just to get fame and a gold trophy means nothing.We should uphold the true spirit of Olympic just like what Mr.Kunalan said.He also said that Sports kept him strong, everyone can use their own strengths to keep them confident.
It would be much easier to do things in life if we remember the Olympic values of Excellence, Respect and Friendship.
I think Mr Kunalan must have worked hard in his studies as well as in his sports.
I do not think I can be like him, I am not so hardworking, but if I try maybe I can be.By revising my work and have self-confidence in myself to win many many awards like Mr. K.
We all can learn a thing or two from Mr. K, we can be more hardworking as ever and maybe think of him as a goal in life. Friendship, Respect and Excellence is very IMPORTANT !
He respects others by not cheating in the games ,he shows friendship by not being competitors when they are out of the match and he shows excellence by not giving up despite the difficulties faced
I think that I can be like him if I am willing to work hard.I will try to revise my work after I come back home.Yes, I think we can because it will lead us to success.
We will be able to learn more values and practise them to develop our character.This will improve our personality and lead us to a wonderful life.
To me winning without any efforts is just like not working. Mr C Kunalan had ran for many years and of course with his efforts and also lots and lots of trainings and pratices before the olympic games commence. There are 3 values of YOG and they are friendship,respect and of course excellence.Friendship is congratulate people who have won or console them when they have lost.Respect is to play matches without cheating.Excellence is to play the games wth cofindence,pride and passion.We can learn lots and lots of things from Mr C Kunalan. We are actually very good and we canget everything done by putting in our very best efforts.In the end,friendship,respect and excellence is super important and do your best in everything!
From:Claudine Lim
P5 Harmony
I think that the essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well. Mr C Kunalan trains hard for the YOG and upholds the three olympic values of YOG. They are respect,excellence and friendship. Mr K.strives for excellence. He is resilient by not giving up in the face of challenges. He does not give up when he is exhausted and is willing to do his best during the competition. He shows integrity as he did not take drugs to run faster. He also maintains harmony and shows care and concern for his opponents.
I think I can be like Mr C Kunalan in school by not giving up when I face challenges,showing integrity by standing up for what is right and showing care and concern for my schoolmates.
If we uphold friendship, excellence and respect, we may win medals like Mr K and have values to develop into a good character.
"The most important thing in life is not the triumph,but the fight."
Name: Tan Si Min
Class: P5 Harmony
To me losing and winning is nothing. We should follow Mr C Kunalan example by not cheating, have integrity and a true spirit of sportsmanship.
We must remember the 3 important Olympic values which are excellence,respect and of course friendship, so that we will have a true spirit of sportsmanship!
I think that winning is not the best but to do our best. Mr C Kunalan trained hard for YOG. The Olympic Value is excellence, friendship and respect. I think he display the all the Olympic value. He is excellence is not because he won but is because he does his best. He also display friendship too as he befriend others competitor and of course, respect. He respects his competitor by showing integrity because he did not cheat.
I think I can also be like Mr C Kunalan in school.
Excellence- I do my best in my school examination.
Friendship- I befriend everyone although there are from different races.
Respect- I respect my teacher, I greet them.
And of course, I think I can follow the Olympic Values in school.
These values are important and should be with you forever.
To me winning is not everything because when you only think of winning you will not be able to enjoy the sport that you are playing.I think Mr C Kunala shows respect to other by not cheating because if anyone cheats in the Olympic games,it would be unfair to the other competitors as they trained hard for it.I think that when Mr C Kunalan was a little boy, he would not be too proud and boost to others when winning in a game or anything.Not being too proud will make us a better person.Most IMPORTANT,respect,Friendship and Excellence are very important in not only in sports and games but also in our daily lives.
Linghui says ... ...
In the games,the most important part is the procedure.The end is not important.Even if you won the gold medal by cheating,it is not important but an embarassment to your country.The values of sportsmanship are excellence,respect,and friendship. Making friends with the players from foreign countries-shows friendship,doing your best in the games-shows excellence and not cheating shows respect.
After all, we should display the values in every game nevertheless competition,or just afriendly match ... ...
Mr C Kunalan practise the Olympic Values in his life by:
-Not cheating during the game.(Respect)
-Congratulating those who have won and console those who have lost.(Friendship)
- not giving up and tried his best.(Excellence)
See, he is so kindhearted and honest!
Well, I think I can be like Mr C Kunalan IF I work hard and practise the three values! I know it is very hard to do it, but I really liked sports very much! It helps me to be more relaxed and I can forget anything to realease my stress!
I can see that Mr C Kunalan worked very Very VERY hard to get all these trophies. The trophy is nothing, it is the attitude that is the most important. Well, some of you may look down on yourself and led a miserable life, but if you start to practise the three values now, you may become a successful person like Mr C Kunalan which can make Singapore proud. So, start practising the three IMPORTANT values now and believe in yourself that you can do it!
By:Hew Kai Qi
From:5 Harmony
To me , winning is not the important the thing in life but at if you give your best in everything you do thats call winning !! Winning to achieve something and best in everything :D!! To me the values really matter as it shows and teach us lessons . :) ♥
Syarifah said,
the story of the two medalist were relly great.they both were close friend.but then one day,one of them won silver and the other won bronze.they went back to their country.the man who won the silver cut the trophy into half and then each of them got half bronze half silver.so now friendship is really important..
6 Kindness
Mr C Kunalan practise the OLYMPIC values in life by
1)not cheating during some games(respect)
2)by saying "congrats" to the compatitors who have over take him.(friendship)
3)always going to the right way by wanting to win the medals,as a result what he want has already achive..(excellence)
Yes,i can be like him because i love to be a teacher and always want to be a successfully person in life,without my parents encouragement i wont be able to bo it.
I nedd to have the drive by doing all the thing perfectly and always be happy through life if i have gone through difficulties...
i think that winng is not important the impotant things is that we have friendship.When we go for a competition is not for win or lost.Is all for friendship. Like the 2 japan players their friendship is valbable when they go back to japan they cut their medals in to 2 part each person get half bronze an half bronze!!!!!their spirt is excellent!
We win together lose together team mates! Winnig is what we want,for me i don't care if i win or lose. I just want to particapant and having fun. REspect to those who did well. Nothing to say..
Mr Kunalan pratices his olympic values by showing respect,friendship and excellence.
He abides by the rules and does not cheat(respect).He congratulate his peers and competititors(Friendship).He does not give up(excellence).Nothing is impossible.Dun give up yet!Believe in urself!=]
Sharifah Namerah♥
6 kindness
Whats up for the cool peoPle.
My Friend And i love playing the million Deeds.Now i have a total of 20 deeds!!Yeah!Mr Kunalan in oh yeah is very funny.I cant believe It that the olympic games is coming In August.I cant believe it thats my birthday.my birthday is on 9 august.I hope no one takes drugs for this youth Olympic Games.
For the last time
Tis is From Irazhari A.K.A BonusBoy!!!!
Mr. C Kunalan displayed the three values of olympic.All of us can be like Mr. C Kunalan if we work hard and practise the three olympic values: Friendship, Respect and excellence, just like him!
Mr. C Kunalan displayed the three values of olympic.All of us can be like Mr. C Kunalan if we work hard and practise the three olympic values: Friendship, Respect and excellence, just like him!
Mr C. Kunalan displays excellence where he strives for excellence. I think if we are willing to learn and work hard, we will be able to be like Mr C. Kunalan. If I were to choose, I would study everyday but of course, not 24/7. I think the benefits are that we reap what we sow and we will get good results for the hard work that we have put in. My teacher, Mr Asraf told us that a good result consists of 99% intelligence and 1% hard work.
I think winning the gold medal means nothing. It is about working hard for the things we want to achieve in life and be happy about it.Mr Kunalan strives for excellence.I think i can be like Mr Kunalan in school by striving for excellence and doing the best that i can. I can get good academic results and be happy about it.
Yap Zhan Rui
6 Harmony
Mr.Kunalan have won many medals for Singapore.He practices Olympic Values in his life by not cheating in the games and he respects other people.I can be like Mr.Kunalan by not cheating in any games i play and respect other people in school.The benefits i can get is that i would not be disqualify me from any matches
I think winning the gold medal means nothing.As long as we do our best we will still be happy.Mr Kunalan strives for excellence in his life.I think can be like Mr Kunalan in school. I will try my best and not give up even when i do something wrong.This way, i can get good academic results and feel happy about it.
Yap Zhan Rui
6 Harmony
He befriend other people of other races
i can by strive for excellance in my school's homework and exams,
respecting everyone in the school and public
andi will also treasure my friendship
ur sch mate
He showed excellence by working hard and reciving the teacher of the year award twice.I Think I can be like mr. C Kunalan in school by striving for excellence and getting good grades for all my subjects.I can also make friends with other races and respect their religion.We can learn to be friendly and work hard to be sucsessful in life and give support to our parents when they grow old.
Nur Rusydina
6 Harmony
I think winning is not the most important thing during the olympic games. Instead we should uphold the true spirit of olympic and we should also be friendly to the people. We should never give up when we play the game and we should always give them a handshake eventhough we lose.
1) He lives by them.
2) Yes. We respect one another.
3) We will learn that winning dosen't matters in sports, its the friendship you made and the effort you put into it.
6 Harmony
(1)He has studied hard, persevered and didi not give up in achieving his goals. He has respected people so that they wil respect him too and has made friends with people of different races and religion.He has achieved a certificate in Physical Education, a Diploma in T&F Coaching, Masters in Sports Science, twice named as teacher of the year and 2 NTU awards for Excellence in teaching and Excellence in service.
(2)Yes. I can greet the teachers and stall vendors as well as cleaners and parent volunteers as i respect them as role models and important people that has helped create the enviroment I am living in now.
(3)If I respect people and treat them nicely and fairly, they will do the same towards me too. I can have new friends to hang out with and maybe when I need help, they will be the first to give a helping hand to me. I can help them in their problems and be friends and respect people even if they are not nice to me.
6 Harmony
I think we should try our best to achive our goals and be happy abput it. Me Kunalan strives for excellence in his life. I think i can be like him by striving for excellence.
1) Mr Kunalan pratices his olympic values by showing respect,friendship and excellence.
2) I think i can be like Mr Kunalan. We can greet the staffs, cleaners or teachers whenever we see them(respect).We can also comfort our friends when they are sad and made them happy(friendship).We can also do our best in everything that we are doing(excellence).
He practise the values by showing respect, excellence and friendship.We can be like Mr Kunalan by showing respect to everyone in school, striving for excellence and making friends with others even if they are from the other race.
He did his best in evrything to acheive his goals.He is respectful to everyone.He made friends of different races.Do my best in evrything.Winning is not important but is the values that we learn during the process.
Elaine Loy
6 Harmony
He does not cheat,congragulates those who do better than him and always try his best.
6 harmony
Mr Kunalan shows the values that every Olympic athelete should have. Respecting each and every athelete particpating in the Olympics even from different countries.
Striving to do their best in each competition.
No matter if we get 1st or last , we are still friends.
A winner is not one winning a race or competition, having values in one is the winner.Mr.Kunalan is one of the winner.
He tried his best in everything that he does. He studies hard and did not give up when he faces obstacles.
We should be like Mr.Kunalan.We should do our best in our exams and do not give up when we face failure.If we persevere, we will suceed.
Lee Ruo Rou 6 Harmony
1) Mr Kunalan pratices his olympic values by showing respect,friendship and excellence.
2) Yes. We can greet the staffs, cleaners, or teachers in our school when we see them(respect). We can comfort our friend to make them happy when they are feeling sad(friendship). We can do our best in everything(excellence).
3) We can strive for excellence in everything.
Mr Kunalan had perservered to achieve what he wanted which was being an athelethe.He showed exellence in his effort to train to become an athelethe.I think i can be like him as i tried my best in my examinations and tests by studing hard and tying to understand the questions that i don't know how to solve.I try to make friends from other races and try to learn about their cultures.I will also greet the teachers and cleaners.This will stop fights between people from other races and countries.
Mr C Kunalan persevered to get the things that he always wanted which was being an athlete. He showed the values excellence as he tried his best in achieving the result that he wanted.I think that I can be like him as I tried my best during the exams even if the question was difficult, I respect everybody in my school and I made friends from other races. I could achieve all these result by studying hard before the exams,play with my friends from other races during recess and greet everybody when I see them. All the people in my school would be happy and we will live in harmony.
6 Harmony
He shows:
DoEs NoT cHeAt in the games
He congratulate people who beat him.
Luke ^^
(1)He studied hard and did not give up easily. He respects everyone of different races and religions.
(2) I think I can. I can greet the stall vendors, school attendants and teachers whenever I see them. They are our role models as they created this environment for us.
(3)When we help people, we may have new friends of different races and religions. We can help them even if we do not know them.
yanshan 6 harmony
Mr Kunalan shows respect, friendship,excellence in what he does. He plays not to win but to meet people from other nations and make new friends. He never gives up. We should follow his footsteps and never give up even during times of hardship.
Mr C Kunalan practises the Olympic Values by not cheating in the game. He congratulates the winner and consoles the people who have lost. Most importantly, he tries his best in the game.
I think I can be like Mr C Kunalan in school. I try my best in the examination(excellence). I get along well with my friends(friendship). I greet the teachers and the staff in the school politely when I see them(respect).
With these, excellence will derive in everything we do.
Instead of winning or losing, I think the most important thing is our attitude. We should have the right attitude in everything that we do in order to excel.
Vanessa Toh
Mr C Kunalan practises the Olympic Values by not cheating in the game. He congratulates the winner and consoles the people who have lost. Most importantly, he tries his best in the game.
I think I can be like Mr C Kunalan in school. I try my best in the examination(excellence). I get along well with my friends(friendship). I greet the teachers and the staff in the school politely when I see them(respect).
With these, excellence will derive in everything we do.
Instead of winning or losing, I think the most important thing is our attitude. We should have the right attitude in everything that we do in order to excel.
Vanessa Toh
1)Mr C Kunalan practise the olympic values by showing respect,friendship and excellence.He does not give up.
2)Yes.I could greet my teachers and the cleaner.
3)I can be respected if i respect people.
Caleen Wong
a)Mr Kunalan practised the value
respect by respecting the rules and competitors of the YOG.
Mr Kunalan practised the value excellence my helping Singapore achieve many achievements.
Mr Kunalan practised the value friendship by congratulating those who have won him.
b)We can respect the school rules and values.We can try our best to get achievements for Telok Kurau.We can be friends with people of different races and religions.
c)We are benefitted as we get to learn about others' culture.We would be respected by others.We can achieve excellence through perseverance.
Mr. Kunalan does not give up in his progress. It shows excellence adn he also abide the rules of the sport he is in.This shows respect.
Mr Kunalan does not give up even when people disagree with him.His attutide is worth us learning .Its shows excellent and perserverance.
1. He practises the Olympic Values in his life by working hard, making more friends during every competition and respecting them when they lose.
2. I think I can be like Mr C Kunalan in school by putting a lot of effort in my schoolwork.
3. The benefits are that I can excel in everything that I want to do and strive for excellence.
Alicia said...
Winning is important thing in life.There is medals to win if we get champion for the competitions we participated in.Winning is also an achievement.
6 kindness
To me win or lose is not important.
Mr C Kunalan does not cheat that shows respect to others.He does not give up that shows excellent.
He also does not say bad things about his freinds.
I think I cannot be like Mr Kunalan on school as I give up easily and I am lazy, but if I try to be more hardworking. I might show the 3 Olympic values( Respect,Friendship,Excellent) in school.
We can learn about to be respectful,to have more confidence and to never give up!
From Yi Tong
P5 Harmony
Mr C Kunalan practices the Olympic Values by practicing very hard to be a good sprinter.It shows that he strives for excellence.I think I can be like him as I do not complain when I lose to a friend in any game. The benefits that will derive from this is that we can be more respectful,our friendship will be stronger and to never give up!
P5 Harmony
I think that the three values,friendship,exellence and respect are important in our daily lives.I believe that we can show the three values in daily life by: Friendship:We can make friends,and treat them nicely as they will treat you nicely too!
Exellence: We strive for exellence,and achieve our goals and targets.
Respect:We can greet our teachers and other guests in the school,and we also respect our family members and our friends.
Mr C Kunalan has shown these three values and he pratices these values and he won a trophy.
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