Hi All,
Total Defence Day celebrations are over. Amidst all the hypes, please take some time to view the following videoclip which comprises of some photos taken during the TDD activities.
Also please take some time to ask these following reflective questions to your class and post your answers as a class.
1a)Did you enjoy the TDD activities in school?
b) Which is your favourite? ( food rationing, fire drill, I Will pledge.. etc)
2) How would you play your part in the Total Defence of Singapore?
You may also feel free to type your comments on the video compilation which is in the resource folder as well..
Happy Chinese New Year and may the Year of the Tiger bring you roaring good times!!
See ya!
TDD's activities was indeed fun and indeed fruitful. Why you may ask... Well my students do come up to me to ask if people in olden Singapore suffered. I took some time to share a story that my Grandad told me about the hardship he faced. In the end I could see more of my students not wasting food.
We enjoyed the TDD activities especially the fire drill, "I Will" pledge and food rationing. Some of us like the Lim Bo Seng's story as we learned from him the value of courage, responsibility and resilience. After these interesting activities, many of us reflected that we should not waste food and we should always remain calm during emergencies. :D
Hwee Hong :
Personally I find that the activities planned for the level were fine. Those activities allowed the pupils to know Singapore better, especially the leader, Lim Bo Seng.
However some of the middle ability pupils found it tough to handle the worksheets.
The class had a good laugh during the week when there was a false alarm. Yi Lin mentioned " Fire Drill... building shaking.. hide under the desk.." This shows that he was paying attention to Mr Rodger Chua's assembly talk on Evacuation.
:) The fire drill was cool- we get to practise what it is like during an emergency.We learnt about Lim Bo Seng and how he sacrificed for Singapore, how he cared for others and how patriotic he was towards Singapore. We also learnt friendship through sports and how important teamwork is during the P6Sports Day. The food rationing exercise had better food but due to its scarcity, we learnt the importance of not wasting food and how to survive in hard times. And of course we also learnt about the five different defences and how we can each play a part in defending Singapore. That's all folks! :D
This year's TDD has been very meaningful for my pupils, especially when the fire drill set in. We were able to move fast and in an orderly manner because this has been what we have been doing everyday. After the drill, the pupils realized why it is so important to move properly everyday as you need to have habits like this to react correctly in an emergency.
Mrs Zalina Zakariah-Ismael
1 Peace
We enjoyed Total Defence Day because we learn many new games like chapteh, hopscotch and pick-up sticks.
We had fun!
It is probably difficult to fully understand what our ancestors had gone through during war time and how much hard work and sacrifices they had endured in order to bring about the wonderful development of Singapore, a land of peace and prosperity.
For our forefathers and all who have through one way or the other, contributed to our Nation Building, to the Defence of our Country and continual growth of Singapore, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and utmost respect to each and everyone of them!
I will treasure this peace and harmony in our country.
I will be grateful to all who have make Singapore a wonderful place to live in!
I will contribute my part, just as my ancestors did!
3 Humility's comments:
We enjoyed the TDD activities in school. Our favourite activity is the fire drill because it was like a real situation and we would know what to do if there is a fire.
We can pick up litter and help our environment to be clean and green. We can also save the environment by switching off the fans and lights when nobody is in the room.
I especially liked the slides on Lim Bo Seng. Really taught the pupils interpersonnel skills! They were taught what it really meant by the term "friendshop". Hope no more "sabotaging" after this!.. ;-)
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