Saturday, August 08, 2009

Views on National Day Activities

Hi Teachers!
We had a jolly good time on the 7th of Aug as we did our part in celebrating our nation's 44th birthday. Attached is a music video which is one of the National Day songs. Please view it during your free time and feel free to write in your views and comments. Some of the photos taken on that day are also attached for your viewing pleasure. Please view and write in your comments as well.


yuet ying said...

I have always enjoyed the community songs. They somehow touch something deep inside my heart. Let's have more of them more frequently throughout the year as a process to instil the national spirit in all of us (students and teachers).

Hwee Hong said...

I do agree with Yuet Ying... Community singing definitely brings out the spirits of celebration. Shall we have more community singing sessions in future?

5Z@L said...


I second the ideas on having more community singing sessions. Come to think of it, I miss singing these songs:
1. One People, One Nation, One Singapore
2. Stand Up for Singapore
3. Tanjong Katong

If I am not mistaken, there's a song decidated to Miss Vanda Joaquim.

Anyway, hope you guys had a meaningful weekend ;)



SafiahArshad's Antics! said...

Nice work Bala!!.. I really enjoyed watching the video compilation of the events that happened on that day!.. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Balaji

Liked the video compilation. T'was short n sweet , yet it managed to capture the essence of the fun and celebratory mood we had as a school. Kudos :)

Zalina Z-Ismael

Wilbur Wong said...

Great work. You managed to capture the essence of the days event. Glad to see so many smiling faces.
Hope everyone has had a restful National Day weekend and more importantly had a insightful Pledge Moment on 9 Aug, 8.22 pm.

ginger said...

The video compilation is definitely 1 good way to capture how we've celebrated our nation's 44th birthday! :) Am sure proud of the brownies and scouts. They really show us that indeed, with a common goal to accomplish, teamwork is a must! Definitely 1 memorable event for them too! Great Job! 3 cheers to all the trs who trained them the last 2 weeks!!

Ravinderjit Kaur said...

The video was mind-blowing. It was a great tribute to a great nation, ours.
Happy Birthday, Singapore!May you shine forever!

Anonymous said...

wow i love national day cause i learn the new song(what do you see)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow the NDP progrem was great I love it so much

Haqq 3 humility