Ashley used to be a model student in class. She is hardworking,
respectful to teachers and always complete her work on time.
But, for the past few weeks, she has been behaving differently.
She tends to say "I am Stupid",

"I am uselesss", "I am going to fail" and is very negative
with everything she does.
Reflect your thoughts on Ashley by asking:
1. What problem is she facing?
2. If you are her good friend, what can you do to help her to become
3. If you are Ashley, how will you behave differently?
Reflect your thoughts on Ashley by asking:
1. What problem is she facing?
2. If you are her good friend, what can you do to help her to become
3. If you are Ashley, how will you behave differently?
She is not feeling good about herself.
I will her she is not stupid.
I will teach her.
I will spend more time with her and play with her to make her happy.
She is not feeling good about herself.
I will tell her she is not stupid.
I will teach her.
I will spend more time with her and play with her to make her happy.
I will as her to be a brave girl.
I will ask her to learn for her test at home.
I will teach her how to do her homework.
I will help her to be confident.
I will help her to learn Spelling.
I will not call her "stupid".
I will tell her that she is good.
The first sentence should be "I will ask her to be brave."
She is feeling sad and feels that she is no good in her work.
I will ask her not to feel bad about herself.
I will tell myself that I can do it.
She may have failed her test or she may feel people do not like her.
I will talk to her and be good to her.
I will talk to my parents.
1)She is facing a problem at school and bahaving weirdly..
3)Per normal...
She has low self esteem.
As her friend, I would cheer her up and try to make her happy.
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