Monday, February 04, 2008

Today Defence Day 2008 (Pupil's Reflections)

Pupil's Reflections for P3 and P4

1. During the game “Being Able to be Disabled”, what are some values you have learnt?

2. Can you tell us what can you as young ones do for Singapore?


Anonymous said...

Dear P3 and P4 pupils

We welcome all reflections in this section.
Please do include your Name and Class

Do your Part !

Anonymous said...

During the game "Being Able to be Disabled", what are some values you learnt?
- It is very hard for disabled to live. It is more difficult to defend ourselves when we are disabled. We must be patient when helping a disabled (for leaders). It is hard to communicate with others. It is also hard to do things on our own.

Can you tell us what can you as young ones do for Singapore?
- Do not waste food and water. Help others when in need. Protect the elders and do not be fussy when eating food. Live in harmony. Do not complain about life. We must protect Singapore or else the civilians will suffer. Furthermore, we are one people, one nation and one Singapore.

Other points:
-Do some planning before and activity. Have Teamwork because everyone can play their own part.

From 4 Honesty
Form TEacher: Ms Safiah

Anonymous said...

4 Joy said
One must not give up and feel despair even when there are difficulties and hardship. Just like one is not completely useless when he is blind, he is still able in using his limbs to do what he puts his heart to.

Anonymous said...

We have learnt that although we were disabled in some ways, we were able to accomplish the tasks at hand, if we persevere and work together as one.

As young ones, we can study hard so that we can contribute to Singapore's economy. We also need to respect one another and learn to understand and accept our differences so as to live in HARMONY. ;)

Anonymous said...


We learnt compassion for the disabled, and gained some understanding of the hardships they face.

We can help our old.

Boys are prepared to join the military to defend their home.

Anonymous said...


through the activity, we feel that we are fortunate that we are not disabled. We can do things that other disabled people cannot do. We must learn to appreciate things around us and all that we have. We must make the disabled people happy by encouraging them. We must not laugh at their disability.

Anonymous said...

4 Love

We learned that life of a disabled person is difficult. We must not tease or laugh at them. Instead we must respect them and render them help when they need. We must treat them as normal people.
We, as pupils, must study hard and do our part so that we can contribute to our country by working and being useful citizens.
Girls can also join National Service like the boys if they volunteer themselves. We must learn to work as a team so that we can achieve more.

Anonymous said...

3 Love
From the activity, the pupils said that we must show respect for everyone. We must not laugh or tease the disabled. They learnt not to give up easily and that teamwork is important.

In order to help Singapore, the pupils mentioned that we must all play our part. We do not waste our resources like water,food and electricity, we must be harmonious and responsible(play our part as a student, do not litter).

Anonymous said...

Total Defence Day is a important day for Singapore. When the Japanese attack us, we cannot protect ourselves as Singapore thought that the British will protect us. During the war, many innocent people died. So we commemorate Total Defence Day be prepared for any emergancies.

Anonymous said...

From the activity, I have learned that we must show respect to everyone and must not tease or laugh at them.We should always be prepared in times of difficulty.The food was a good example of how times were before. I wish that the total defence day will always be commemorate this way!
Shao Jin Rui

Anonymous said...

I thought the biscuits and the NEWater didn't taste good, but I realised that this was what it was like,back then during the war.I knew I had to perservere,and so I took a bite of a biscuit and it actually tasted better.I know I have to stand strong for Singapore.
I also understood a lot more about total defence day when Mr Zad presented it to us and explained it to us.

Anonymous said...

We must stay and defend singapore instead of running away.